Thursday 1 May 2008

Monday 28 April 2008

吳克群 越愛越難過

說 說你為什麼 為什麼要走 說你為何要分手
別拖 求你別軟弱 求你說出口 分手的理由

但你卻 拖 拖 拖 拖到什麼時候
請你別 拖 拖 拖 大聲的說出口

#如果說你要走 我不會留 我不去管以後
然後我們說清楚 一句話就夠
如果說你要走 我不會留 我不去管以後
多麼痛 多麼的難過

Repeat *#

然後連話都不說 繼續沉默
連朋友都沒的作 為了什麼
就算了吧 壞人我來作

Repeat #


你要旅行 我還能不能去 你不開心
我還是不是原因 總不確定
我還能夠靠你多近 兩個人 翻來覆去

你的簡訊 是一般的語氣 你的關心
都有些小心翼翼 還愛著你 我要怎麼才能適應
兩個人 只剩朋友關係

就讓我一個人失憶 消失在你的世界裡
就當我任性 不懂體諒你
讓我 躲在角落安靜的放空著呼吸

就算 我知道你也不願意 消失在我的世界裡
可是我不能 再自然看你
裝做 兩個人 什麼都沒有發生 一個人失憶

Lies by Glen Hansard

I think it's time, we give it up
And figure out what's stopping us
From breathing easy, and talking straight
The way is clear if you're ready now
The volunteer is slowing down
And taking time to save himself

The little cracks they escalated
And before you know it is too late
For making circles and telling lies

You're moving too fast for me
And I can't keep up with you
Maybe if you slowed down for me
I could see you're only telling
Lies, lies, lies
Breaking us down with your
Lies, lies, lies
When will you learn

The little cracks they escalated
And before you know it is too late
For making circles and telling lies

You're moving too fast for me
And I can't keep up with you
Maybe if you'd slowed down for me
I could see you're only telling
Lies, lies, lies
Breaking us down with your
Lies, lies, lies
When will you learn

So plant the thought and watch it grow
Wind it up and let it go

i have exactly 6 days of high school left..6 only

相對無言 是誰的錯


Sunday 27 April 2008

exam time table

so..i received the exam time table yesterday, the last one to go.19,22,27,30 of May

